Wednesday, November 17, 2010

The Use of the Term Christ in the Book Of Mormon

Alma 46:14-15 [Book of Mormon]
“For thus were all the true believers of Christ, who belonged to the children of God, called by those who did not belong to the church. And those who did belong to the church were faithful; yea, all those who were true believers in Christ took upon them, gladly, the name of Christ, or Christians as they were called because of their belief in Christ who should come.”
Seriously? Christ? I’m supposed to believe that the descendants of Jews speaking Reformed Egyptian, whatever that is, used the word Christ for the messiah, and called themselves Christians, both of a Greek root. And after reading this garbage I’m supposed to insult God by asking if it is true? Really? I understand that where faith is concerned there are limits to logic, but it shouldn’t be completely irrational, God did in fact give us brains. Perhaps this is just Joseph’s Smiths translation, but then there is a reason the terms Messiah and Christ only make their debuts in the New Testament, whereas even though Jesus Christ is the subject of many prophecies he is not named as such in the Old Testament.
And as an add on thought. This whole premise of this book is that Jesus Christ himself is going to make his appearance in North America, Some Mormons claim he went elsewhere too, like india, Europe, Africa, and Australia. But if Jesus was going to make resurrection appearances all over the globe, than why does he need his disciples, or even command them to go to all nations in Matthew 28:18-19? What is the point of the great commission if Jesus is going to go on a worldwide book tour as it were and makes hi s own converts?


Scottydog said...

History according to the LDS: 1) Jesus founded a church in the Old World, but it fell into apostasy. 2) Jesus founded a church in the New World, but it fell into apostasy 3) Joseph Smith founded a church, and in spite of the fact that many of its doctrines have change 180 degrees in its 185 year history, it can't fall into apostasy. Just trust us on this one. Hmm. Makes me wonder.

Bror Erickson said...

That's it Scottydog, "just trust us on this one." And then you bring up your children with phrases like this. "when the prophet has spoken, all the thinking has been done." yikes.